The 3C ICT Service Desk provides support between 7am and 6pm, Monday to Friday. During these working hours the primary way to log a call is via Hornbill - If you don't have access due to an account lockout please see the FAQs below.

For the latest information about any known incidents/ICT issues visit the Service Desk page on the intranet.

Outside these times, out of hours (OOH) support is provided for the following services on a paid-for basis:

HDC - One Leisure


CCC - Parking Services

CCC - General OOH Support


Huntingdonshire District Council

One Leisure

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Hours of Agreed Cover

Monday to Friday: 18:00 to 20:00

Saturday: 08:00 to 20:00

Sunday: 08:00 to 10:00


This OOH service is for emergency use only to report:

  • the loss of critical systems or
  • a major impact to normal service that is having (or has the potential to have) an impact on business revenue.
ICT OOH Service Provision

Log a Hornbill call.

Investigate issue and attempt to fix if engineer able to do this.

Attend site, if required, within 60 minutes.

Escalate call via the number in your business continuity plan (BCP).

Contact Method

Call mobile number in BCP


Follow your BCP for escalation details

Who Can Request?

Nominated officers only

South Cambs District Council

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Service Name No formal Out of Hours service currently provided.
ICT OOH Service Provision Out of hours service currently provided on a "goodwill" basis.

Cambridge City Council and CCC-Led Shared Services

Parking Services

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Hours of Agreed Cover

Monday to Saturday: 07:00 to 23:00

Sunday and bank holidays: 09:00 to 18:00


The issue should only be reported if:

  • it is believed the whole or major component of the system is unavailable and affecting Cambridge City Council car park operations


  • is having (or has the potential to have) an impact on business revenue.

It is specifically not intended for any normal Business As Usual request.

Car parks covered:

  • Grand Arcade
  • Queen Anne
  • Park Street
  • Grafton East
  • Grafton West
ICT OOH Service Provision

A critical system issue can either be detected by a car park employee or as a result of a LanSweeper server alert in relation to system failure, or network alert etc.

An on-call duty engineer will respond to critical system faults reported by the car park employee within 1 hour.

Using the information supplied, the duty engineer will contact the call raiser and then make a remote assessment to identify the problem and, if possible, achieve a resolution.

Where the fault lies with another service provider (eg Virgin Media, SkiData), the 3C ICT duty engineer will raise a fault log accordingly with the service provider.

The 3C ICT duty engineer will keep the call raiser updated on the resolution progress.

If the fault requires a visit to any of the primary CCC car park sites (as listed in Appendix A), this should be made at the earliest opportunity.

If the issue is deemed serious, the duty engineer will also escalate to the 3C ICT Management Team. The duty engineer may also escalate within the 3C ICT Management Team to request additional resources to assist in the recovery or provide continuity, should the issue take longer than 8 hours to resolve.

The duty engineer will continue to keep the car park employee who raised the issue informed of progress and estimated recovery timescales at regular intervals, as agreed between both parties, particularly if an extended outage is anticipated.

Contact Method

Access to the duty ICT engineer is via the HDC/CCC CCTV Operational Control Centre based in Huntingdon, who will hold a copy of the current ICT car parks on-call staff rota.

The CCTV Centre provides 24x7x365 support for essential CCC and HDC services and has been extended to provide access to ICT support services.

Contact is available via 0300 303 8389 or 01480 434167.

Who Can Request?

CCC car park staff only.

CCC General OOH Support

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Hours of Agreed Cover

Monday to Friday: 08:00 to 09:00 and 17:00 to 08:00 (except bank holidays)

Saturday: 08:00 to 08:00

Sunday: 08:00 to 08:00

Bank holidays: 08:00 to 08:00


Critical systems only - as defined in services' BCP plan and as agreed with 3C ICT.

24x7x365 Network and Server Team cover for all major server and network infrastructure issues affecting key council sites and additionally key line of business applications.

Parking systems have a separate arrangement (see above).

ICT OOH Service Provision

A critical system issue can either be detected by a nominated user or as a result of a LanSweeper server alert in relation to system failure, critical disk space issue or network alert etc.

When a critical system issue has been detected by a nominated user, a call will be placed with the HDC OOH Service. They will hold a copy of the on-call rota and will call the duty engineer covering that time slot via mobile phone.

An on-call duty engineer will respond to critical faults reported by nominated users within 1 hour.

Using a council-supplied computer, the duty engineer will remotely access CCC's network to identify the problem and, if possible, achieve a resolution. Where the fault lies with another service provider (eg Virgin Media), the duty engineer will raise a fault log accordingly.

If the fault requires a visit to a primary CCC site (ie Mandela House, Guildhall or Mill Road), this should be made at the earliest opportunity.  Note: out of hours access will need to be communicated to CCC's security contractors in order to disarm alarms and, where appropriate, provide access.

If the issue is deemed serious, the duty engineer will also escalate to the 3C ICT Management Team. The duty engineer may also escalate within the 3C Management Team to request additional resources to assist in the recovery or provide continuity, should the issue take longer than 8 hours to resolve.

The duty engineer will keep the nominated user who raised the issue informed of progress and estimated recovery timescales at regular intervals, as agreed between both parties, if an extended outage is anticipated. 

Contact Method  

The HDC/CCC CCTV Operational Control Centre based in Huntingdon provides 24x7x365 support for essential CCC and HDC services and has been extended to provide access to ICT support services.

Contact is available via 0300 303 8389 or 01480 434167.

Who Can Request?

Nominated officers of systems critical to the council's operations outside of normal business hours.

These will principally be Heads of Service.

Refer to service BCP for details of covered systems.


I can't access Hornbill - how do I report an issue?

Call the Service Desk on 03000 778899.

What if my services is not listed?

If your service is not listed and you have an issue out of hours, please escalate to your Head of Service as this arrangement may need revising.

Why don't you publish all of the contact numbers above? 

This page is public so we cannot publish all numbers as some are to individual staff phones. Please refer to your Business Continuity Plan (BCP) for details. Ensure you have this plan printed and ready to access by staff authorised to do so.

I have found a 3C ICT branded Laptop - who can I contact?

Please call the Service Desk on 03000 778899 and we will arrange to collect the device from you at your convenience. Thank you for reporting this to us.