IMPORTANT: Please read the following guidance which provides information on the new dutyholders and changes to the Building Regulations legislation:

Information on Dutyholders and changes to Building Regulations 2023

​When should I submit my application?

You need to submit your application for Building Regulations approval before work starts on site - preferably at least one week in advance.

You can submit the application yourself or appoint someone, such as an agent, to do it for you. If you use an agent, we will generally send all correspondence to them.

It is important that you choose the correct form, please read the details shown under each application type.

How do I apply?

You can submit Building Control applications using our online forms (available under 'Types of application' detailed below using the green boxes).

Alternatively, you can use the Planning Portal to submit your application. Visit the Planning Portal to learn more and apply.

Full Plans or Partner applications

You may use a Full Plans Application for any type of work. Full Plans applications benefit from a full check at the design stage for compliance with the Building Regulations.

You must submit a Full Plans Application if the works involve a building to which the Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 applies, or the work includes the erection of a building fronting onto a private street.

NOTE - Plans are only full plans if they consist of:

  1. a description of the proposed building work, renovation or replacement of a thermal element, change to the building's energy status or material change of use;

  2. the plans, particulars and statements required by paragraphs (1), (1A) and (2) of regulation 13;

  3. where paragraph H4 of Schedule 1 imposes a requirement, particulars of the precautions to be taken in building over a drain, sewer or disposal main to comply with the requirements of that paragraph; and

  4. any other plans which are necessary to show that the work would comply with these Regulations.

    Full plan/Partner applications now require additional information, over and above that which would be required for other applications

Apply for Full Plans or Partner Application

Client Consent to Submission of Application Form

Please use the link below to confirm the client's consent to apply for building regulations.

Client Consent Application Form

Connectivity Plans

From 26 December 2022 all building notices, full plans applications or initial notices for new dwellings must be accompanied by a Connectivity plan.  For more information read Building Regulations for New Dwellings and Infrastructure for Electronic Communications

Building Notice application 

A Building Notices is suitable for minor works (domestic only) where a competent contractor is used. You may use a building notice if:

  1. The work does not involve the construction, extension, or underpinning of a building, which will be over or within 3 m of a Public Sewer or Disposal Main.

  2. The Regulatory Reform (Fire Safety) Order 2005 does not apply to the building where work is proposed.

  3. The work which includes the erection of a building does not front onto a private street.

Regularisation Application

Where work has already commenced or been carried out, but no formal application under the Building Regularisation has been made. This is for work commenced after 1985.

Reversion Application

For work that was previously subject to an Initial Notice where works have commenced. For a reversion application to be validated a Cancellation Notice from the Approved Inspector must be submitted prior to submitting the application.

Apply for Building Notice, Regularisation or Reversion

Change of Duty-holder

Where there is a change or amendment to a client or duty holder, or when the principal designer or principal contractor details was not completed on the original application form use the form below. 

Complete change of Duty Holder

Completed Works

When you want to give notice of Completion of the works, please use the form below. Please note that this should be within five days of the Completion.

Notice of Completed Works

Fees and Payment

All Building Regulation applications are subject to fees, please contact us on 0300 772 9622 for up-to-date costs.

The quickest and easiest method to pay is by card over the telephone on 0300 772 9622.