Our voluntary Considerate Contractor Scheme (CCS) asks members to commit to a code of good practice over and above the legal minimum requirements helping to decrease the impact of construction works on people who live and work nearby. Adhering to the code improves the reputation of contractor's business, which is an asset when marketing their services.

The scheme has been in operation since 1998 within Cambridge City boundary. The CCS is now expanding into South Cambs starting with the immediate areas around Cambridge City boundary and the Necklace Villages. Please contact our Construction Monitoring Officer for more details: David.Bradford@3csharedservices.org or 01223 457121.

It is part of our objective to promote a high-quality and sustainable environment in the city. It's an independent scheme supported by both the Cambridge Forum for the Construction Industry and the Cambridgeshire Chambers of Commerce. It's not affiliated with the national Considerate Constructors Scheme - it's therefore possible to register a project with both schemes.

Become a member

If your company would like to become a member of the scheme you can complete a membership application form.

Annual subscription based on turnover, and a charge applies for every additional scheme over two schemes.

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Company turnover Subscription charge (Excludes VAT) for 2 schemes Additional charge per scheme over 2 (Excludes VAT)*
Less than £500,000 £450 £50
£500,000 to £1,000,000 £695 £100
£1 million to £50 million £895 £100
Over £50 million £1,095 £150

*Discount may apply for multiple schemes

This is based on the amount of works undertaken by the Construction Monitoring Officer and economies of scale. It is also noted that these charges have not been reviewed for 3 years.

Registering a project

If you're already a member of the scheme, complete a project registration form.


Members of the scheme should display Cambridge City Council Considerate Contractor signs at their work locations. They are also required to display contact details in prominent locations.

Membership signs and an information pack for contractors to send to clients are available from the project officer.


Regular visits are made to all sites participating in the scheme - they are monitored for compliance with the code of good practice. We can provide advice on how to improve performance and will investigate complaints from the public.

We encourage you to advise us when projects and actions deserve praise, and also when they do not adhere to the code of good practice.

Enforcement of compliance

We don't have enforcement powers, but we work closely with the local highways' authority and other statutory enforcement bodies. This helps us provide a coordinated response to complaints as far as possible.

Following a complaint about a site, we will normally discuss the matter with the site manager to try to resolve the problem. If they don't deal with the complaint in a satisfactory manner, we will refer it to the construction company's head office.

Complain about a registered construction project

Report a breach online, or contact our Construction Monitoring Officer at David.Bradford@3csharedservices.org or 01223 457121.

Dust, noise or other nuisance issues may be referred to Cambridge City Council.

If your complaint refers to the public highway, you can report it to Cambridgeshire County Council.